No apto para “malade imaginaire”, o sea, burgueses melindrosos.
viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011
"Rock the Casbah” en Libia.

“El Equilibrio es una Ilusión, una Convención arbitraria, para combatir
Nuestra tarea es sacarlo a flote, cada vez que se presenta una oportunidad”.
El Butantan, “en el veneno esta el antídoto”
Video, hacer clic aquí.
In 2006, the conservative National Review released their list of the top 50 "Conservative Rock Songs", with "Rock the Casbah" at #20, noting its frequent requests during the Iraq War.
Despite, or perhaps because of, its popularity with soldiers during the Gulf War, "Rock the Casbah" was one of the songs deemed inappropriate by Clear Channel following the September 11, 2001 attacks.
In one of the campfire scenes late in the 2007 documentary Joe Strummer: The Future Is Unwritten, a Granada friend states that Strummer wept when he heard that the phrase "Rock the Casbah" was written on an American bomb that was to be detonated on Iraq during the 1991 Gulf War.
PD, ¿El “peludo” o armadillo, son los espaldas mojadas?
PD 2; No intento ser críptico, aunque lo soy para los Simplicio de “Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo”