sábado, 20 de julio de 2013

…un millón de amigos…

1 comentario:

YukioM dijo...

Manolo, “hijo predilecto del Cielo en su momento, Gengis Khan sólo entendía de cimbrar su arco contra el águila gigante. Todo eso es pasado, es ido…”, sin embargo hay cosas que nunca cambian, por ejemplo, me dijeron entre humos de kool “sun will not shine anymore in Detroit” mentían, pero quién no lo hace?

SCIOLI: - Life is a state of mind…

MILANI: -We were a family. How'd it break up and come apart so that now we're turned against each other, each standing in the other's light? How'd we lose the good that was given us, let it slip away, scattered, careless? What's keeping us from reaching out, touching the glory?

JAIME: -After that my guess is that you'll never hear from him again. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that...he's gone.

ALI MOSHIRI: -I am the Third Revelation!

SCIOLI: -Life is a state of mind…

Gracias a Ashby/Kosinsky; Malik/Jones; Singer/McQuarrie; Anderson/Sinclair y al inolvidable Gilles Delleuze que los une a todos en mi mente.

Falta poco, Abrazo peronista
