Preocupación en el entorno de Jorge Lanata
El grupo íntimo que rodea al periodista del Grupo Clarín Jorge Lanata
se encuentra preocupado no solo por la situación judicial de uno de sus
integrantes, Gabriel Levinas sino fundamentalmente por el estado de salud del
In its modern use,
hubris denotes overconfident pride and arrogance; it is often associated with a
lack of humility, though not always with the lack of knowledge.
Those who are accused
of hubris often come from higher social backgrounds than the accusers; such as
politicians or wealthy celebrities, who are accused of having marginal
experience with the realities of the topics they attempt to address.
An accusation of
hubris often implies that suffering or punishment will follow, similar to the
occasional pairing of hubris and nemesis in Greek society.
The proverb
"pride goeth (goes) before a fall" (from the biblical Book of
Proverbs, 16:18) is thought to sum up the modern use of hubris.
It is also referred to
as "pride that blinds", as it often causes one accused of hubris to
act in foolish ways that belie common sense.
In other words, the
modern definition may be thought of as, "that pride that goes just before
the fall".
Némesis de la creatividad (Arnold J. Toynbee)
Variante pasiva de la némesis de la creatividad: la idolatría
Variante activa de la némesis de la creatividad: la hybris
De la “meta-historia” a la “psico-historia”, vía fallido del
“amor griego”, al intentar hacer malabares con la data de “fuentes reservadas”;
ver link.
4 comentarios:
sos aburrido viejo puto eh. impasable.
No llego a entender que parte es falsa. ja. La nota sobre Lanata o la definición de hubris. O nada es falso o todo es falso u orson wells o la guerra de los mundos, ja-
La culpa es del frepaso: ahí se termina todo el legado político de Manolo a la posteridad.
Cuervo, vos sos partisano de Pomelo
el pañal de Manolo no se mancha!
si manolo votara en Capital votaria a Michetti
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