domingo, 26 de agosto de 2007

Perón, entre los Sindicatos y las Instituciones. 2ª parte.

Una de las criticas mas acerbas contra el Peronismo fue sobre su estructura política. Acusada de Fascista, no se tomo en cuanta la denominación inicial, Laborismo. Veamos como se organiza HOY el Labour Party de Blair y Brown

The Labour Party is a membership organisation consisting of Constituency Labour Parties, affiliated trade unions, socialist societies, and the Co-operative Party, with which it has an electoral agreement.
Members who are elected to parliamentary positions take part in the Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP) and European Parliamentary Labour Party (EPLP).

1/Organizacion Territorial, o Rama Politica

A Constituency Labour Party ('CLP') is an organisation of members of the British Labour Party who live in a particular parliamentary constituency in England, Scotland and Wales.

The CLP selects the local Labour Party candidate for a national parliamentary General Election, although the National Executive Committee has powers to overrule this decision in certain circumstances, which has on occasion proved controversial. The CLPs consist of individual Labour Party members, some of whom may represent affiliated organisations at local meetings.

2/Rama Gremial

In British politics, the term affiliated trade union refers to a trade union that has an affiliation to the British Labour Party.

Affiliation means that the unions pay an affiliation fee to the Labour Party; in return, they and their members receive the privileges of affiliated membership. Unions select twelve of the thirty-two members of the Labour National Executive Committee and elect fifty per cent of the delegates to Labour Party Conference. In many cases, local union branches also affiliate to Constituency Labour Parties and their members who are also individual members of the Party may represent the Union as delegates on Labour Party structures.

3/Organizaciones partidarias

Affiliation means that the socialist societies - like a number of British trade unions - pay an affiliation fee to the Labour Party, and the affiliates' members become affiliated members of the Labour Party (a different status from full member), unless they specifically choose otherwise. In return the societies receive a formal role in Labour decision-making, and the affiliated members can take part in all-member ballots in certain circumstances. For example, they can participate in the election of Labour Party leaders.

Estas Organizaciones incluyen Estudiantes, Artistas, Cientificos, Educadores, etc,

Por supuesto esta incluida la Fabian Society y la pata Sotanista Christian Socialist Movement.

Today the CSM has over 40 members in the House of Commons and House of Lords including former Prime Minister Tony Blair and the current Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

4/Organizaciones Libres

The Co-operative Party is a small socialist political party, operating in the United Kingdom. It does not put candidates for election itself, but its candidates stand jointly with the Labour Party as "Labour and Co-operative Party" candidates, and it may therefore be seen by some as a faction within the Labour Party.

The Co-operative Party seeks to advance its agenda through the Parliamentary Labour Party. In 2005 there were 29 MPs in the Co-operative Parliamentary Group, 8 Members of the Scottish Parliament, 4 Members of the Welsh Assembly and 11 Members of the House of Lords, as well as over 700 local councillors. There is also an informal Co-operative Party group in the European Parliament.

En la Argentina seria la representacion de las Cooperativas; FAA, Cooperativas de Produccion y Consumo -Hogar Obrero-, de Credito -Credicoop-, ect.

Herramienta Electoral

In UK politics, the Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP) is the parliamentary party of the Labour Party in Parliament: Labour MPs as a collective body.

Commentators on the British Constitution sometimes draw a distinction between the Labour Party (which was created outside Parliament and later achieved office) and the Conservative and Liberal parties (which began as parliamentary factions). The term 'Parliamentary Labour Party' properly refers to the party in parliament, whereas the term Labour Party refers to the entire Labour Party, the parliamentary faction of which is the PLP.

Originally, the Leader of the Labour Party was elected by the PLP. Nowadays, an electoral college is used, consisting of three sections - MPs and MEPs, affiliated organizations (affiliated trade unions and affiliated socialist societies), and Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs). Each section exercises one-third of the vote (meaning that overall, MPs have substantially more say than individual members). Multiple-voting is used, so an MP who belongs to two trade unions, one socialist society, and a CLP receives five votes. The single transferable vote is used to conduct the election.

Labour MPs retain the power to trigger an extraordinary or "special" Labour Party Conference to choose a new leader if they lose confidence in their existing leader.

Labour MPs also elect two of their number to Labour's National Executive Committee.

The PLP holds regular meetings behind closed doors to question the Leader and to discuss its concerns.

La 3° Parte sera sobre Democracia Representativa, Constitucion del 53; Clientelismo y Resposabilidad de los representantes

10 comentarios:

ayjblog dijo...

perdon, Mnolo, me parece que esta forzando la igualdad

Anónimo dijo...

No me parece que Manolo fuerce la igualdad (que no existe). Lo que hay son organizaciones similares que se aplican a contextos históricos y culturales muy diferentes. Desde ya que un minero de carbón de Gales no tiene mucho que ver con un albañil de Rafael Calzada que nació en Goya. El paralelo es interesante, y más porque Inglaterra era, en los '40, un modelo en muchos campos para un observador argentino, como hoy no lo es para nada y sí lo puede ser España.
Cambiando de tema, Manolo ¿sabés algo de la participación de la Royal Navy en el golpe de 1955? Lo que sé se puede resumir en dos renglones y quisiera ver si es una leyenda o hay algun dato cierto en algún lado.
PS: no recurras tanto al facilismo de Wikipedia que te lo reprocha el Inmortal, quien como todos sospechamos debe tener cinco posgrados en el exterior y sus libros son material de consulta en Cambridge... LOL.

manolo dijo...

La victoria de Attlee en el 45 fue tan influyente como la Revolución Cubana en los 60.
Demostró que el Reformismo podía ganar sin apelar al Marxismo, convirtiéndose en el modelo a seguir por los Socialdemocratas europeos.
Es el Nacimiento del Estado de Bienestar.
Hay dato que se comenta poco, Churchiil perdió con los votos de el Ejercito.
Los ciudadanos conscriptos votaron masivamente contra él.
Fue el 1° Señor de la Guerra victorioso repudiado por los "cañones".
Un abrazo

No hay "documentacion oficial" que lo demuestre, pero los buques solo tenían combustible para maniobras.
Peron les retaceo el Fuel después de los bombardeos.
¿Quien se los dio?
¿Uruguay, la Shell, la RN?
En cualquiera de los tres casos se necesitaba el visto bueno del Almirantazgo.
Tendremos que bucear en los papeles del Kremlin, Pentagono y Foreing Office.
El articulo sobre el Labour Party tiene links a mas de 60 fuentes primarias, 32 en el pie de pagina y mas de 40 en la solapa de discusión; que es la cocina donde se resuelven las controversias.
Cada uno de los párrafos que copie, los contraste con las paginas oficiales de los organismos citados.
Así descubrí que Blair y Brown no son Fabianos, son Socialcristianos como Michetti. ;-P
Colegas del Compañero Cardenal, por eso se hablaba de la "conversión al catolicismo" de Tony, cuando renuncio como Primer Ministro.
Si te fijas en este link del CSM, te vas a dar cuenta de lo que hablo.
Un abrazo

Hard Core dijo...

Lo sigo manolo, yo lo sigo, cuando este el circulo mas o menos cerrado le podre hacer un comentario. El modelo no necesariamete es calcable, digamos que es un punto de partida y encuentro. Porque algunas experiencias tenemos. Lo que pasa es que para los que mas desconocen, yo no me las se todas, esta bien. Vale recordar desde el cimiento, sino las conclusiones pareceran forzadas. Lo sigo manolo. Adelante.

Musgrave dijo...

Manolo, yo lo leo y aprendo. Siga así.
Despues si puedo daré alguna opinión.
un abrazo

manolo dijo...

Un tema al margen, me sorprendio el origen de la formación de Blair y Brown.
Como le decia a Cine, yo los hacia fabianos mas que cristianos.
Como muchos, pensaba que los reformistas social cristianos, de vertiente protestante no eran importantes.
Pero los datos que estoy encontrando me obligan a corregir mis opiniones.
Tommy Douglas, lider del FCC y creador del Sistema de Salud canadiense era pastor.
Su aliado Liberal
“Trudeau was a Roman Catholic, and attended church throughout his life. While mostly private about his beliefs, he made it clear that he was a believer, stating, in an interview with the United Church Observer in 1971: “I believe in life after death, I believe in God and I’m a Christian.” Trudeau maintained, however, that he preferred to impose constraints on himself rather than have them imposed from the outside. In this sense, he believed he was more like a Protestant than a Catholic of the era in which he was schooled
Michael W. Higgins, former President of St. Jerome's University, has researched Trudeau’s spirituality and finds that it incorporated elements of three Catholic traditions. The first of these was the Jesuits who provided his education up to the college level. Trudeau frequently displayed the logic and love of argument consistent with that tradition. A second great spiritual influence in Trudeau’s life was Dominican. According to Michel Gourges, Rector of the Collége Dominicain philosophie et théologie, Trudeau “considered himself a lay Dominican.” He studied philosophy under Dominican Father Louis-Marie Regis and remained close to him throughout his life, regarding Regis as “spiritual director and friend.” Another skein in Trudeau’s spirituality was a contemplative aspect acquired from his association with the Benedictine tradition. According to Higgins, Trudeau was convinced of the centrality of meditation in a life fully-lived. He took retreats at Saint-Benoît-du-Lac, Quebec and regularly attended Hours and the Eucharist at Montreal’s Benedictine community
Although never publicly theological in the way of Margaret Thatcher or Tony Blair, nor evangelical, in the way of Jimmy Carter or George W. Bush, Trudeau’s spirituality, according to Higgins, "suffused, anchored, and directed his inner life. In no small part, it defined him.”
¿Qué diria Artemio de esto? ;-P

Gracias compañero

Hard Core dijo...

San Jose era Carpintero, manolo, no se lo digo en joda.

ayjblog dijo...

hay un viejo dicho jesuita q dice, dadme un chico hasta los 8 años y sera mio toda la vida
esto aplicado al catolicismo, no pensen mal

manolo dijo...

Como Voltaire y Fidel Castro, ¿no?
Un abrazo

ayjblog dijo...

si se fija, no estoy tan equivocado, solo cambiaron de religion, pero no de forma de pensar