Lipton: [narrating] Lieutenant Dike wasn’t a bad leader
because he made bad decisions.
He was a bad leader because he made no decisions.
Lipton: [Voice-Over, talking about Buck Compton]
On the report it said Compton was being taken off the line
because of a bad case of trench foot. It didn’t say anything about him losing
his friends.
Buck was a great combat leader.
He was wounded in Normandy
and again in Holland.
He received the Silver Star for his part in taking out those
German guns on D-Day.
He took everything the krauts could throw at him, time and
I guess he just couldn’t take seeking his friends Toye and
Guarnere torn up like that.
No one ever thought less of him for it.
Speirs: You wanna know if they're true or not, the stories
about me?
Did you ever notice with stories like that, everyone says
they heard it from someone who was there.
Then when you ask that person, they say they heard it from
someone who was there.
It's nothing new, really.
I bet if you went back two thousand years, you'd hear a
couple centurions standing around yakkin' about how Tertius lopped off the
heads of some Carthaginian prisoners.
Lipton: Well, maybe they kept talking about it because they
never heard Tertius deny it.
Speirs: Maybe that's because Tertius knew there was some
value to the men thinking he was the meanest, toughest son of a bitch in the
whole Roman Legion.
Conducciones de la
Easy , 1942/45.
Capitán Herbert Sobel (primer CO)
Teniente primero Thomas Meehan III (segundo CO)
Mayor Richard Winters (tercer CO)
Capitán Fred Heyliger (cuarto CO)
Teniente primero Norman Dike (quinto CO)
Teniente primero Ronald Speirs (sexto CO)
“Ud. esta equivocado Sargento, nunca estuvieron sin Mando adecuado desde
que ascendieron a Winters.
Por su gesto supongo que no sabe de quien estoy hablando.
Fue Ud. Sargento, quien se puso la Compañía al hombro; quien los llevo al combate
tratando de tener la menor cantidad de bajas posibles.
Sus Compañeros nunca estuvieron solos, así que deje de preocuparse y
acepte el ascenso a Oficial; yo me hago cargo de cuidarlos”.
3 comentarios:
Cada tanto vuelvo a mirar los 10 capítulos, la minuciosidad de la producción es asomborsa. Un deleite para los que disfrutamos cine bélico. Probablemente lo mejor que se haya hecho en ese campo.
Juan C.
Generation Kill tiene lo suyo, eh.
No la vi. Pero ya la estoy bajando.
Juan C.
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